Experts in Compressors & Components

Gain advantage from our 25 years of experience in research & development and manufacturing of compressors and components.

Foto: iStock Igor Korchak

Experts in Compressors & Components

Gain advantage from our 25 years of experience in research & development and manufacturing of compressors and components.

Compressor & Components Manufacturing GmbH
Quality – Made in Germany

We offer many years of experience in the manufacturing of high-quality engine and compressor parts, reinforced with up-to-date machining technology and effective downstream manufacturing depth. In the motorcycle town of Zschopau, we have a long-lasting and successful tradition in the manufacture of engine components.
Supreme quality, outstanding technology and distinctive innovative power are important elements of our corporate culture. The range of application for our products includes; the market for commercial vehicles, cryogenics & refrigeration engineering products, cooling and air-conditioning units, and medical technology.

Products & Services

Our strategic goal is to impress you as a customer – every day. We would like to grow with you, develop our products and services for your application together with you and stand by you as a strong partner – from the first idea, through the development of the product and prototype, to serial production.

By investments in our plants and machinery, the expanding of the capacities of our research and development department, and the implementation of new ideas for products, we would like to rise, together with you, to the level of innovation leadership.

Our production traditionally focuses on mechanical und electric compressors for commercial vehicles, air brakes, cooling and refrigeration units, including; machined aluminum pistons and connecting rods as loose bulk / semi-finished product. Our modular system creates the basis for a variety of different products and applications. In close connection with the market and our customers, we are continuously adapting and refining our strategic orientation and innovation planning. We welcome new ideas and challenges from our customers, and we would like to enlarge our product range together with you. Please contact us!

Development and machining of high-level crankshafts are part and parcel of our products and services. At present, our main activities are the machining of raw casting and crude steel material as a build-to-print-supplier. We strongly believe that further investment, together with new results stemming from in-house development and construction, as well as the improved utilization of existing development capacities, will result in stronger competitiveness for the future.

CCM – Passion for Performance and Precision

The Company

The Compressor & Components Manufacturing Ltd., founded on the former site of the successful ´MZ´ Motorbike Company, focuses with integrated scope of know-how on the development and manufacturing of compressors, sub-assemblies, and components. This company enjoys the experience of 25 years of production, closely connected with to the innovative power and the state-of-the-art equipment of our competent research and development department. In other words: We are not simply handling metal, but serve as your competent contact partner and provider for future projects, modules and complete systems.


Please contact us. We would like to provide you with further information and quick and competent answers to your questions.